Requirements to obtain a marriage license in the Turks & Caicos Islands

The 22nd day of July 2011 is appointed as the day on which the Marriage Amendment Ordinance 2011 shall come into operation.

Section 12 of the Marriage Ordinance is amended, by inserting after subsection (2) the following new subsection Marriage License Amendment

“(2A) Notwithstanding subsection (2) (b), the Governor may in respect of persons arriving in the Islands aboard a Cruise Ship intending that a marriage shall be solemnised between them in the Islands, grant a special license for a marriage to be solemnised between them the same day of their arrival in the Islands.” Cruise Ship passengers can now apply for a SPECIAL LICENSE for a marriage here in Turks and Caicos Islands on the same day of arrival!

For further information please contact the registrar general’s office Turks & Caicos islands tel:649-946-2801

Note: Marriage Licenses are issued at the office of the Registrar in Providenciales. This office is open to the public Mondays to Fridays between the hours of 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Please be advised that any Passports or documentation written other than in English should be translated in advance and notarized by the applicable consulate.

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