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Accessing Turks and Caicos Islands By Air

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Flights to Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands (PLS)

Flights to Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands (PLS)

Flights to Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands (PLS)

Flights to Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands (PLS)

Flying Locally

We invite you to explore our Sister Islands which are easily accessible by air. Local airlines for inter island travel are Caicos Express and InterCaribbean which both offer daily flights to our Sister Islands.

Airports in Turks and Caicos Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) – PLS (Providenciales)

Providenciales International Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: 6 am – 8 pm

Customs & Immigration: 6 am – 8 pm

Coordinates: 21° 46′ 25.05″ N / 072° 15′ 57.19″ W

Runway: 10/28 – 9,200′ x 150′

Elevation: 28′

Strength: 59/F/B/X/T Asphalt

Tower: 119.9 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

JAGS McCartney International Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: 6 am – 8 pm

Customs & Immigration: 6 am – 8 pm

Coordinates: 21° 26′ 40.33″ N / 071° 08′ 32.32″ W

Runway: 11/29 – 6,335′ x 150′

Elevation: 13′

Strength: 48/F/B/X/T Asphalt

Tower: 118.6 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

North Caicos Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: sunrise – sunset

Customs & Immigration: sunrise – sunset

Coordinates: 21° 55′ 03.24″ N / 071° 56′ 22.46″ W

Runway: 08/26 – 4,245′ x 75′

Elevation: 10.2′

Strength: 21/F/C/X/T Asphalt

Flight Information: 118.85 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

South Caicos Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: sunrise – sunset

Customs & Immigration: sunrise – sunset

Coordinates: 21° 30′ 56.99″ N / 071° 31′ 42.70″ W

Runway: 11/29 – 6,000′ x 100′

Elevation: 6′

Strength: 21/F/C/X/T Asphalt

Flight Information: 118.9 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

Salt Cay Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: sunrise – sunset

Coordinates: 21° 20′ 00.00″ N / 071° 12′ 00.00″ W

Runway: 08/26 – 2,677′ x 80′

Elevation: 5′

Strength: Not available, asphalt

Unicom: 122.8 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

Pine Cay Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: sunrise – sunset

Coordinates: 21° 54′ 00.00″ N / 072° 06′ 00.00″ W

Runway: 11/29 – 2,800′ x 40′

Elevation: 6′

Strength: Not available, bitumous sand seal over crushed limestone

Unicom: 122.8 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

Remarks: Privately owned aerodrome – prior permission required

Ambergris Cay Airport Departure times:

Opening Hours: sunrise – sunset

Coordinates: 21° 18’ 02.28” N / 71° 38′ 28.14” W

Runway: 07/25 – 5,700′ x 100′

Elevation: 8.5′

Strength: 32/F/C/W/T Asphalt

Unicom: 122.25 Mhz

Approach: 126.0 Mhz

Remarks: Privately owned aerodrome – prior permission required

*Private charters to any caribbean island also available

Private Air Charter

Turks and Caicos Islands is a renowned destination for luxury air travel including private air crafts. There are two FBOs in Providenciales:

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