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Attention, brides-to-be and travel bugs: We found the best travel accessories for your 2020 honeymoon—and beyond!
2020 is here and, boy oh boy, have you made your list of New Year’s resolutions lofty. Run a marathon (you’ve never been a long-distance runner), become a self-proclaimed minimalist (you have 42 pairs of shoes), adopt a dog (you live in a no-pet apartment), and plan your wedding (not so much a resolution as something you just have to do). You know, little stuff! While we fully support those high-reaching goals, one resolution we think everyone can get on board with and hopefully achieve is to travel more—and we’re not just talking about your honeymoon.
We know, we know: Travel means money, and money doesn’t grow on trees, and also maybe you live in an expensive city (ahem, New York), and it’s hard enough to just have a 401(k) much less take a vacation. But hear us out! Traveling, even to a neighboring community and exploring new restaurants with your partner, or getting a group together for a cabin-in-the-woods weekend, counts just as much as traveling to another country! And getting out of your city, town, or community even for a day or two can clear your head and (we know it’s corny to say but) expand your perspective! Plus, traveling with your S.O. means lots of bonding time.