Turks & Caicos
Island Hopping

There are many great islands and beaches to visit in the Turks and Caicos so explore them all. Ride the TCI Ferry to explore North Caicos, Middle Caicos and South Caicos. Daily departures.
By Boat
Chartering a boat for the day is the ideal way to island hop, arrange a secluded beach picnic or beach BBQ with a group, help you hunt for sand dollars and shells, or just get you up to the next island. Many services double as scuba, snorkeling or fishing guides too.
Contact one of these knowledgeable tour operators to arrange a custom trip on the ocean: |
After 5 Concierge www.islandconciergetc.com 649-946-4585 |
Atabeyra Sailing Charters www.suncharters.tc 649-231-0624 |
Big Blue Unlimited www.bigblue.tc 649-946-5034 |
Caicos Dream Tours www.caicosdreamtours.com 649-243-3460 |
Caicu Naniki Sports Adventures www.caicunaniki.com 649-432-5000 |
Caribbean Cruisin tciferry.com/turks-caicos-charters-ferry-service 649-946-5406 or 649-946-5406 |
Catch The Wave www.catchthewavecharter.com 649-941-3047 |
Kenard Cruises www.kenardcruises.com 649-242-3866 |
Ocean Vibes www.oceanvibes.com 649-231-6636 |
Reef Peepers www.reefpeepers.com 649-941-8605 |
Sail Provo www.sailprovo.com 649-946-4783 |
Silver Deep www.silverdeep.com 649-946-5612 |
TCI Ferry tciferry.com/tciferry-turks-and-caicos-ferry-to-north-caicos 649-946-5406 |